
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Golden Age

To make know these events that happened to me overlapped. Yes Yes I play around, nothing to be proud of but some women just like to have fun from time to time. I am that person who gives it to them without judging them.

This is actually one of my recent adventures with older women. Although it is not my first - you will know about the others later - I think this is one of the stuff that is actually found a lot around the country. It did not just happen to me but many of my friends also been through the golden age. The golden age for me is from 28- 40.

I was attending one boring event one day and I was just out for smoke when this 30ish old woman comes to me and asks for a cigarette. So seeing that I am not the kind to judge a woman because she smokes, I handed her a cigarette and lit it up. She stayed with me in that corner smoking and just talking about how boring this event is. This was only day one of three.

After I finished my cigarette I headed back to the conference room and would eventually leave every couple of hours to get a smoke. I would see her coming over when I reach the smoking area. By the time she reached me, I would have the cigarette ready for her. The conversation during the first day was formal.

The next day as I lit my cigarette she came by again. I was just about to hand her my pack when she smiled and said I got my own today. She lit her cigarette and we kept on talking. It started with the event again and went into more informal topics such as the weather, where we work and smoking. This happened during the the whole day.

The final day of the event was only scheduled for half a day. During the first break, we were in the smoking area and we started chatting.

Goldy: I don't want to leave early today
Wizdom: Why not?
Goldy: I don't want to go home alone, my husband will be at work and won't make it till later
Wizdom: Kids?
Goldy: They are at school and the driver will take them to their grandmothers house when they are done
Wizdom: I like being alone in the house. You can do anything you want
Goldy: you married?
Wizdom: No
Goldy: So what will you when we are done?
Wizdom: I'll go to a sheesha shop for a smoke and I need to go online.
Goldy: Where?
Wizdom: A place in Hawali.
Goldy: Is there a family section or private area?
Wizdom: Oh no it is only for guys, but there is this good place near here if you want to go
Goldy: Well I don't know what will I do sitting alone.
Wizdom: If ant I can come with you
Goldy: But I need somewhere really private, or unknown to people. You know I don't want anyone who knows me to see me.
Wizdom: Yeah thats easy. Ok then I will meet you here after this and we will head there.

After the event has finished, we met and told her to follow me to the sheesha place. We went in, took a table that was private and away from anyone seeing us directly. We just started chatting away.

Goldy: How come you are not married?
Wizdom: The right girl did not pass my way.
Goldy: How old are you? 25?
Wizdom: Yeah you got it right.
Goldy: I got married when I was 18. Its been 15 years now.
Wizdom: Oh your an expert now - trying to be more open with her -
Goldy: With my husband I don't call it being an expert. I accepted him as soon as he proposed. I knew him for one month only. After marriage, every bad aspect in a person was in him. He smokes, drinks and he is not man enough.
Wizdom: Maybe he just got old
Goldy: He just does not have time for me. He works all day, and at night he is at the dewaniya. he does not take his right from me except like once a month and he lasts 10 minutes and snoozes away.
Wizdom: A man got to rest after he conquers.
Goldy: A real man conquers the world then rests.
Wizdom: I like that I will add it to my wisdom list.

The conversation goes on being more open, I found out that she is a fun person at the age of 33. She took my number that day and we would message each other and meet in the sheesha place from time to time. this went on for a couple of months. She would tell me secrets about her husband. How bad he is, how she hates him.

One day, she called me and asked me to pick her up from the sheesha place. I went there, she came into my car and she started crying. Her husband of 15 years just beat her because she did not make lunch for him. she was bruised everywhere. I took her to hospital just to make sure she is fine. It was only bruises and nothing else.

I asked her if I could take her to the apartment so she can rest for a while. She accepted and we drove to the apartment. We stayed there for a while and I tried to comfort her. Her husband called later on, crying and apologizing. I told her to go see him and just try to work it out. She did and everything went well.

However, instead of going to the sheesha place to meet. She asked me to go to the apartment instead to be more comfortable. So our meetings would be set there for a smoke , chat and pleasure. Pleasure came in late, thanks to a hot movie we were watching. I guess she missed the feelings that she had 5 minutes every month. So she started to tease me, and I teased back. We ended up in my room. For a 33 year old woman who is married for 15 years with kids. Her husband is either gay or gay not to pleasure her every second. Seriously, this woman has a 18 year old wild girl inside her. She was so intense it was the first time ever I see a woman climax ( I hope you know what I mean). I guess she kept it inside her for a long time until she exploded. So after this session, I went to clean up and as I washed my hands she came into the bathroom naked, pushed me to the wall and said lets do it all over again.


And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

Abraham Lincoln


Lovecraft said...

ويقول الريال ليش مرتي تخوني إي إنت عاملها عدل عشان ما تخونك بعدين لو إهيا مو معطيته حقوقه تلقاه يخونها وإذا قالت له ليش و شحقه و مادري شنو يقول لها إنتي ما تعطيني حقوقي

لو أنا منها جان من زمان مطلقته مبين ما منه فايدة

وبعدين شنو صار عليها؟ ولا كانت السالفة بس

One night stand?

بعدين طاف..؟

Wizdom said...

She was worried about her kids. She did not want to leave them all alone.

Actually we met many times after it. All she wanted was comfort and relief. I provided that.

Lovecraft said...


لوول يا دعلتي أنا ;p

Lovecraft said...

أي بس أهوا طقها واللي يطقها مرة بطقها مرة ثانية وعيالها عادي يعيشون وياها شدعوة أبوهم منه فايدة أنا كلش ما ياز لي الأبو

Wizdom said...

hehe soon :)

by the way wheres your post? am waiting 4 it.

Her husband doesn't deserve her. she is a very attractive woman. Some men just do not know how precious they got it.